Broken link report

Created with Xenu Link Sleuth 1.3.8 on March 29, 2023 at 12:04:44

Root URL:

Table of contents

Broken links, ordered by link:

0 broken link(s) reported

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Broken links, ordered by page:

0 broken link(s) reported

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List of redirected URLs

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List of valid URLs you can submit to a search engine:

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Site Map of valid HTML pages with a title:

Note: if you upload this Site Map to your web page, exclude its URL or delete its page before checking, to prevent the software from checking the Site Map itself!

  • Home | Center for Supportive Leadership

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    Broken page-local links (also named 'anchors', 'fragment identifiers'):

    0 bad local link(s) reported

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    Orphan files:

    Note: Links that aren't spidered (e.g. webforms and dynamically generated links) will appear as orphans in this list.

    Orphan search aborted by user!

    0 orphan(s) reported (0.0 KB)

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    Statistics for managers

    Correct internal URLs, by MIME type:

    MIME typecount% countΣ sizeΣ size (KB)% sizemin sizemax sizeØ sizeØ size (KB)Ø time
    text/html7 URLs36.84%3518100 Bytes(3435 KB)27.15%471633 Bytes541156 Bytes502585 Bytes(490 KB)1.714
    application/pdf12 URLs63.16%9440212 Bytes(9218 KB)72.85%57147 Bytes4804092 Bytes786684 Bytes(768 KB)
    Total19 URLs100.00%12958312 Bytes(12654 KB)100.00%

    All pages, by result type:

    ok19 URLs8.68%
    skip external200 URLs91.32%
    Total219 URLs100.00%

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    This report has been created with Xenu Link Sleuth 1.3.8